St Nicholas church in Mittelberg

Via paese/ Dorfstraße 5
39054 Collalbo - Renon/Klobenstein - Ritten
General description

The St. Nicholas church in Mittelberg is first mentioned in 1289. This church was enlarged in the Gothic style in 1400 and has kept its appearance from that time. The tower is somewhat later than the church and was probably built in the 14th Century. It is made of natural stones laid in regular patterns. Possibly in 1400 the upper levels were altered to the Gothic tyle and the existing windows date from that period. In 1744 a rather large onion dome was added. It does not fit the building but is still quite pleasing. Another reason for building the church was the competition between the summer visitors to Klobenstein and those of Maria Himmelfahft. In Klobenstein they did not wish to be behind the people who were building their own church in Himmelfahrt at the time.

Opening times: May 1 2022 - November 7 2024
10:15 AM - 10:35 AM
San Genesio
San Genesio
Embedded in the charming natural scenery of the Salto High Plateau, there is the municipality of S. Genesio, extending at 760 to 1,300 m a.s.l.